INHP uses your credit and financial history to determine which programs are right for you.
Email Address
Co-App SSN
Date of Birth (18 or older)
Co-App Date of Birth (18 or older)
Cost Overview
Credit Report
Payment Details
Credit Card #
Financial Acknowledgement
I acknowledge issuing payment for the Tri-merge Credit Report referenced in the INHP Fee Schedule will create a financial hardship. If remitting this fee payment to INHP causes me to experience a financial hardship, INHP (at its sole discretion) may grant a fee waiver.
I may request a fee waiver from INHP by submitting a signed statement of financial circumstances to the Director of Homeowner Development and Client Services at the time of intake. A review of my household income and monthly expenses may be requested by the Director prior to approval.
I confirm receipt of the INHP Fee Schedule for programs located here.
If you are unable to pay this one-time fee due to a financial hardship, please request a fee waiver.