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Tax Credit Advisor features ETOD

A comprehensive summary of our innovative equitable transit-oriented development program is featured in the January 2020 edition of Tax Credit Advisor. Read about the progress we’ve experienced with partner Cinnaire since the program officially launched in February 2019 here:  Posted with permission by Tax Credit Advisor (

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Joe Hanson explains Crown Hill neighborhood investments

Joe Hanson, executive vice president, strategic initiatives, spoke with Indy Midtown Magazine to explain our role as a community development financial institution and how we are providing financing for affordable housing development in Crown Hill. We’ve partnered with Near North Development Corporation to develop single family homes, which is consistent with the neighborhood’s plans and…

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Mayor Hogsett, INHP and Davis Homes join Old Southside neighborhood to start construction on new, affordable single-family homes

Six of 13 new homes to be built in 2019 as part of Hogsett Administration’s Lift Indy grant focused on neighborhood development   INDIANAPOLIS – Today Mayor Hogsett joined the Indianapolis Neighborhood Housing Partnership® (INHP), Davis Homes and the Old Southside Lift Indy steering committee to officially start construction of six of 13 affordable single-family…

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INHP awards grant to CICOA Safe at Home program

CICOA Aging & In-Home Solutions has received a $20,000 grant from the Indianapolis Neighborhood Housing Partnership® (INHP). The grant supports CICOA’s Safe at Home program, which provides home safety and accessibility modifications that enhance mobility, promote independence, and prevent falls for older adults and people with disabilities. Read the full news release at 

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INHP’s latest ETOD acquisitions featured in IBJ

Joe Hanson, executive vice president of strategic initiatives, talked to the Indianapolis Business Journal about three properties INHP has purchased using the innovative Equitable Transit-Oriented Development (ETOD) fund. The article shares the locations and explains the purpose of the fund, which is to support affordable housing development or preservation along Indianapolis’ high-frequency transit lines. Read…

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