Learn what INHP is doing during Homeownership Month
June is always a special time for INHP. It’s known as National Homeownership Month, which brings attention to the benefits that homeownership offers individuals, families, neighborhoods and communities. June 10 is the anniversary of INHP. It’s also the month in which we host our annual Community Breakfast, where we recognize our clients' hard work, and the important work of our partners and advocates in affordable housing.
Especially this year, we’re very proud of the accomplishments our resilient INHP clients made as they persevered toward achieving their housing goals. Clients like Michael and Dawn (above) realized their potential and purchased a home using the unbiased guidance and access to affordable lending we’re able to provide. You can read more 2020 accomplishments in our latest Annual Report.
We also are grateful to our INHP board members who support and advocate for housing choice and stability in their line of work and alongside us. Below, our board members share reasons why they support INHP with their time, talent and treasure.
Happy National Homeownership Month!