Home Repair Program Resources
HOME REPAIR PROGRAM RESOURCES Before you register for INHP’s home repair program, take a moment to learn some of the most common questions we hear during the process. Or, find alternate resources to make repairs. WHO WILL I WORK WITH? You’ll work with INHP staff members and third-party construction professionals. AT INHP Mortgage loan…
Read More100th Home
100 Homes Crafted with Care After only seven years (and a lot of determination), INHP just completed our 100th home. Thanks in major part to our partners, Indianapolis has 100 heartfelt, well-crafted additions to its neighborhoods. That’s 100 families growing, thriving and creating memories in their own homes – generation after generation. Click here to support…
Read MoreAlternate Resources
At this time, INHP has suspended its Home Repair loan program because funding has been exhausted. We are unable to provide any estimated timing for when this program may return. However, we encourage you to check back in 2025 as we seek ways to renew funding. INHP is aware of other organizations and resources throughout…
Read MoreBTH event registration full
2024 BRING THE HEAT Thank you for your interest in the 2024 Bring the Heat event. At this time, we have reached full capacity, and registration is now closed. Questions? Contact Deb Berry at dberry@INHP.org
Read MoreCB 2024 Event Day
Welcome! Thank you for attending today’s breakfast. At this year’s event, an expert panel will delve into the INHP saying, “Home Is Where the Start Is,” by illuminating the direct impact housing has on one’s health, education, and economic mobility. Our clients will also share personal stories about working with INHP and how homeownership continues…
Read MoreCommunity Lift
COMMUNITY LIFT This unique loan is purposely built to increase homeownership opportunities for minority borrowers or borrowers who want to live in a majority minority census tract. LOAN DETAILS GENERAL LENDING GUIDELINES Borrowers must self-identify their ethnicity and/or race as a minority, or the property must be located in a majority minority census tract Home…
Read MoreDEI Commitment
DEI COMMITMENT Recognizing that there is a history of policies and practices that have limited opportunities to accessing affordable housing, INHP is committed to equitable and inclusive solutions in all facets of our work. VIEW OUR COMPREHENSIVE STRATEGY READ OUR ANNUAL REPORT
Read MoreStrategic Plan (2024-2026)
STRATEGIC PLAN (2024-2026) This plan establishes the framework within which INHP will operate to bring affordable housing solutions to the people and places of Marion County throughout the next three years. CURRENT HOUSING MARKET REALITIES Throughout its 35-year history, INHP has understood that living in a safe and affordable home offers countless tangible, measurable benefits…
Read MoreEquitable Transit-Oriented Development
EQUITABLE TRANSIT-ORIENTED DEVELOPMENT (ETOD) INHP acquires and preserves property along frequent transit lines so developers can prepare optimal site plans yielding affordable housing. BUILDING EQUITABLE ACCESS INHP leverages the resources and expertise of the City, philanthropy, financial institutions and developers to maximize affordable housing production near transit and create choice, connectivity and economic mobility opportunities…
Read MoreCommunity Breakfast 2024
Join us for a breakfast that starts much more than the day! INHP’s annual Community Breakfast is a great way to learn how our clients’ hard work leads to successful homeownership. We collaborate with Indianapolis-community partners and neighborhood leaders to enhance quality of life for individuals and families with low to moderate incomes. At this…
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