Market Expander
MARKET EXPANDER This innovative loan program allows buyers to responsibly expand their price range to compete in today’s hot housing market. LOAN DETAILS WHAT IS THE MARKET EXPANDER LOAN? By using this loan product, buyers with low and moderate incomes can responsibly expand their purchasing power and compete in today’s housing market to explore more…
Read MoreProtected: Community Classes
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Read MoreCelebrating Homeownership
CELEBRATING HOMEOWNERSHIP For many people, owning a home represents stability, independence and freedom. Buying a home expands options for the future, whether you plan to sell and make a profit or leverage the equity in your home to pay for other major expenses. June marks National Homeownership Month — an opportunity to highlight the benefits…
Read MorePost Purchase
PROTECTING YOUR INVESTMENTHomeownership is a journey. At INHP, we understand the challenges along the way, and we’re here to help you navigate uncertain times. POST-PURCHASE COUNSELING STAY IN CONTROL INHP offers free post-purchase counseling by a HUD-certified housing counselor to help you manage your finances so your home remains affordable. To request help before missing…
Read MoreCOVID-19
NAVIGATING HOMEOWNERSHIP THROUGH COVID-19 INHP has been a trusted homeownership resource for more than 30 years, and we are committed to maintaining our one-on-one support for current and future homeowners through these uncertain times. Worried about how you are going to pay your mortgage? LEARN MORE Need help maintaining your household budget? LEARN MORE Are…
Read MoreStrategic Planning Partner Meeting
YOU’RE INVITED: COMMUNITY MEETING FOR NONPROFIT PARTNERS Complete the following RSVP form to let us know who will attend from your organization. We look forward to discussing INHP’s strategic plan for 2021-2023. DATE Thursday, March 19, 2020 TIME 8 – 9:30 a.m. LOCATION INHP Binford Board Room 3550 N. Washington Blvd. Indianapolis, IN 46205 Please…
Read MoreDonor Appreciation Event
VIRTUAL DONOR APPRECIATION EVENTWe’ll celebrate our 2021 accomplishments and give you a preview of what’s in store for the year ahead. Make plans to join us virtually! Your support in 2021 has directly impacted Indianapolis residents and neighborhoods. Please join us virtually to celebrate you – our advocates – who share our vision that every…
Read MoreAnchor
HOMEOWNERSHIP RESOURCES FOR WORKING PEOPLEWhether you’re looking to live close to work or seeking an affordable home loan to begin to put down roots, INHP can help you. WHAT WE OFFER HOMEBUYER PREPARATION PROGRAM One-on-one advising where INHP’s HUD-certified advisors will meet you where you are, and help you get where you want to go.…
Read MoreINHP Donation Form
DONATION FORM Thank you for your generosity. With your support, INHP can continue to empower clients to buy or maintain a valuable, vibrant home.
Read MoreTrivia Night
Make plans to join us! INHP’s Trivia Night gives friends, families and colleagues the opportunity to work together to test their knowledge and have fun all while benefiting INHP. Teams of six compete against one another with the hopes of becoming the champions, earning bragging rights and a traveling trophy! DATE Thursday, Oct. 17, 2024…
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